Saturday, February 27, 2016

Fruit Of The Spirit ... Peace ( Part 2 )

February 25, 2016

This week we will wrap up our study of Peace. We will look at 4 or 5 verses and see what God's word has to say about Peace.This one is so much fun to teach because most people think they understand what peace is.... then BOOM !  God shows them otherwise.

" Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid. "          John 14 : 27

When Jesus said this, He was saying that the peace He will give His followers, is not the peace the rest of the world (unbelievers) has. To the unsaved, Peace means the lack of conflict. To the saved, it is composure in difficult times, it dissolves fear, and helps to maintain harmony. Since Satan can not duplicate this, he convinces non-believers that they have peace because there is a lack of conflict !!

" These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have over come the world. "         John   16 : 33

When Jesus shed His blood on the cross, Satan lost his hold of sin over this world !  Jesus has overcome the world. However, Satan still rules the world of unbelievers. Therefore, you will have trouble while you are in this world....but it will not kill you because Jesus has already won your life for you ( if you are a believer).  Because of these spiritual truths you will have peace that comes from Jesus !!  You will have trouble but Jesus will go through it with you !!!

" Therefore, having been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ. "     Romans      5 : 1

Because of sin, God is at war with man !!!  Justification happens when a believer accepts Jesus as their Lord and savior. This is a one time spiritual transaction that happens when you are saved ! From that point forward Jesus is the bridge between us and God. Because of the work Jesus did on the cross and because of us being justified in God's sight, we are given Jesus' peace !! Thank you Jesus !!

" The work of righteousness will be peace, and the effect of righteousness, quietness and assurance forever. "           Isaiah      32 : 17

This is almost a repeat of previous message.... however this is in the Old Testament !?   The difference between righteousness (found here) and justification  ( found in New Testament ) is Jesus. The difference is the law in the Old Testament and grace in the New Testament. The affect is the same. Look at what it says. the effect is quietness and assurance.

" Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. "       Philemon    1 : 3

This is a standard greeting from Paul in his letters. I included it here for only one reason : so we can all easily see where peace comes from..... God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.

That concludes our study of Peace. Join us next week as we look at  long suffering.  If you would like to know more about us and what we do you can find us at

Sunday, February 21, 2016

Fruit Of The Spirit ... Peace

February 18, 2016

We had an emergency with someone in our class 2 weeks ago, so we had no class. I am sorry if you came looking for the weeks' lesson and it was not there ! This week we started looking at the spiritual fruit of Peace. As you might have guessed by now, Peace does not mean ONLY the absence of conflict. It can mean that but can also mean an inner peace. Today we are going to take a look at 5 versus that will show how God sees Peace.

" I form the light and create darkness, I make peace and create calamity; I, the Lord, do all these things. "       Isaiah 45 : 7
In this style of writing we see the use of opposites to prove a point. Also the author repeats it which shows the importance of his point. Here we see that the Lord says he creates light and peace. Who does scripture say that light and peace is ?  [ hint ;  Light of the world  and  Prince of Peace ] Jesus !!Likewise who does scripture say is calamity and darkness ?  Satan . So, in this verse we can see that Peace is how Jesus is referred to. And He will be the one to make Peace with God for the believers !!!

" If it is possible, as much on you, live peaceably with all men. "       Romans   12: 18
There is a difference between peace and lack of conflict !  Lack of conflict means you get trampled on !! Peace means that you do all you can to co-exist with your fellow man while each of you also honor the others limits. That is why this verse says as much as you can... because peace relies not only on your actions but also on those of other people.

" Better is a dry morsel with quietness, than a houseful of feasting with strife. "      Proverbs    17 : 1
My translation : Better to be poor and peaceful than rich and constant strife.    Any one who has been wealthy and been poor will all tell you the same thing.  Poor is better but rich makes it temporarily better. Why ?    Because the constant need to  achieve and to protect what you have takes all of your time and effort. That means there is no time left for family, friends, or for God. Poor is not easy and can provide it's own issues. However when you learn to let go and give it all to God, that is when Peace is achieved.

" Do not take me away with the wicked and with the workers of inequity, who speak peace to their neighbors, but evil is in their hearts. "     Psalm      28 : 3
In this Psalm of David, he is asking God to not count him with the evil doers or to carry him away with them. Earlier we saw the use of opposites to prove a point, here we see the use of compare and contrast to prove a point. How many people do you know that are nice to your face and stab you in the back the first chance they get ??!! Well, based on this verse these people are wicked and evil doers ! The fruit of Peace shows that a person is the same on the inside as on the outside. Satan has a fake gift that shows that the rest of the world can see one person and he can be a different person with other people !!! God calls that evil !!!

" Now may the God of Peace Himself sanctify you completely ; and may your whole spirit, soul, and body be preserved blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. "        1 Thessalonians     5  :  23
As  the Old Testament showed earlier, and again here, Jesus is the Lord of Peace. Here we see that the whole process of sanctification can only be done by the power of Jesus. So now we see that Peace is not the absence of conflict, but is the way of Jesus and the only way to sanctification. Since none of this can be done on man's own power, that is why we must receive this as a gift from God !!!

That wraps up this weeks study of Peace. Please join us again next week as we conclude our look at Peace. If you would like to know more about us and what we do.... you can find us at

Saturday, February 6, 2016

Fruit Of The Spirit ... Gentleness [Meekness]

February 4, 2016

" He was oppressed and He was afflicted, Yet He opened not His mouth; He was led as a lamb to the slaughter, and as a sheep before its shearers is silent, So He opened not His mouth. "   Isaiah    53 : 7

This passage in the Old Testament tells of the crucifixion of Jesus !!  If you were being led away would you be silent ?  Most of us would be yelling and screaming that we are innocent. Yet here it says twice that Jesus was silent ! He was not doing His will but doing His Father's will. Jesus knew that if He did not die, we would all die in sin and go to hell. So.... He was silent and accepted death and was silent ! This power is given to all of us through the Holy Spirit !  As Christians we should learn to exercise this gift of gentleness and meekness instead of being " loud and proud ". That is not to say we should be door mats, but we should allow the Holy Spirit to speak to us and learn to obey !

" Remind them to be subject to rulers and authorities, to obey, to be ready for every good work, to speak evil of no one, to be peaceable, gentle, showing all humility to all men."     Titus    3 : 1-2

In these versus Paul is telling Titus the type of behavior that Christians should show. As you can see He does not say riot in the streets or overthrow governments. This is the main reason Christians are persecuted around the world !  Because the unsaved know that there will be no resistance. However, the saying has long been around that " the growth of the church is by the blood of the martyrs. " This shows again that once we are born again, the Holy Spirit should be in charge of our lives and not us. Paul is reminding us here that this behavior he describes is not the behavior of an unsaved man.... but a saved man by the power of the Holy Spirit.

" Who is wise and understanding among you ? Let him show by good conduct that his works are done in the meekness of wisdom. "        James   3 : 13

This is a major way we can discern if a person is saved or not. If they show arrogance and/or self promotion... chances are they are NOT saved ! These are the opposite of meekness. Also, the best definition I have heard for wisdom is this ; Rightly handled knowledge given by God !  wisdom is not a lot of knowledge, but is taken what knowledge we have and letting God show us the way we should go. That is true wisdom. Once again Paul is using the spiritual gifts so that non-believers  will see Jesus in us.  And isn't that the point !

" Brethren, if a man is overtaken in any trespass, you who are spiritual restore such a one in a spirit of gentleness, considering yourself lest you also be tempted. "      Galatians    6 : 1

This verse has been abused more than many in the bible !!  Notice it says "...who are spiritual". This verse is used by many UN spiritual people in churches around the world !! When a person is caught in sin ( we are all sinners !) we should be brought back with gentleness and meekness. Not with an attitude of self righteousness and superiority ! Church leaders should learn what this verse truly says and not what they want it to say. Notice the last part,  "... lest you also be tempted. "  This is the other part they never see !!  Handle this verse correctly and you can help bring them back, handle it wrongly and not only will you loose them but you may also be lost !!!

This wraps up our look at gentleness  [meekness]. Join us next week as we look at peace. If you would like to know more about us we are at Be blessed and we will see you next week !