Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Fruit Of The Spirit - Love

October 8 , 2015

We started talking about love this week and  went to 1 Corinthians Chapter  13. This is known as the Love Chapter! In this letter that Paul is writing to the Corinthians he spends 13 verses telling us what biblical love looks like. It is not a warm fuzzy feeling or an emotional response.... it is a choice.

We then went through this chapter and looked at each characteristic of biblical love. Paul says if he had all gifts without love... he would have nothing. If he had prophecy, all mysteries, all faith, but had no love, he had nothing. If he sacrificed his belongings to feed the poor, and gave his body a sacrifice and had not love,   it profits him nothing !   The point is love is important !! However, Paul is now going to go through and list the things that love is and isn't.  As you read them notice that each is a choice that you can make !

Love suffers long --- This is a choice we make to not be rash with people we love but to give them and God an opportunity to grow.

Love is kind --- This is a choice we can make on how we treat people by showing God's love to them.

Love does not envy --- When we look outside of God and envy something or someone else, that is a choice to not trust God !

Love is not puffed up ---  Do not act like boys in a locker room and brag or boast, but choose in God's love to be humble and thankful.

Love does not behave rudely --- How you treat people matters !  We must always choose God's love to help us to treat others well.

Love is not provoked --- When we threaten or speak ill of others that is not showing God's love. This choice of behavior is suited to the father of all lies !!!

Love thinks no evil --- When we choose to look at people and at sin as God does, we will have little time to thin evil thoughts.

Love rejoices in truth --- When we lie, we disrespect God and who we are dealing with. But most of all we are being a very poor witness for Jesus !

Love believes, bears and hopes all thing --- Love that is from God is strong and everlasting. From now to eternity nothing can come between the love God has for us !!   We should go and do likewise !

Paul goes on to show that all of the spiritual gifts are to be used here on part, but when we die the only thing that remains is the love. He also talks about thinking as a child when he was a child etc.. Very famous verse but what he was saying is when you know the fullness of love and the source of love, then it is time to start acting like an adult about love and stop acting as a child !!!  He closes the chapter by saying of faith, hope, love ..... love is the greatest of these !!

In past times when I have taught on fruit of the Spirit, I would save love to the end. However, I now realize that this is sooooo important to ALL the fruit of the Spirit that I teach it first and we will spend 2 or 3 weeks on love !!!

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