Saturday, December 5, 2015

Fruit Of The Spirit ... Faithfulness

December 3, 2015

When we talk about Faithfulness, we should be talking about many types of faithfulness not just to Jesus.  The purpose of the Spirit is not just to make us more like Jesus, but to also be a good witness for Him !! Therefore we should be displaying the fruit to all we come in contact with. That is why the Holy Spirit is in charge and not us .... or should be ! What did Jesus say ? With Me ALL things are possible and without Me you can do nothing !!!  In todays study we will take a look at a few versus from the bible and see some of the many ways we can and should be faithful.

" But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self control. Against such there is no law. "    Galatians 5 : 22
We started with this verse just to establish the fact that this is in deed a fruit of the Spirit. It is also interesting to note that the last sentence says that against such there is no law. This is to show that there can be no law against Godly attitudes and behaviors.

" The prophet who has a dream, let him tell a dream; And he who has my word, let him speak my word faithfully. "    Jeremiah 23 : 28
This verse is showing that to be faithful to God (that is who is speaking here through Jeremiah) he should share what ever God has given them. This is huge... it tells us that fruits and gifts that come from God are to be shared with all. The key here is not share with all ( still very important ) but ones that come from God !!  If it is not from God you do not need to share with all. Examples of things that are not from God would be selfishness, slander, gossip, greed ... etc.

" A faithful witness does not lie, but a false witness will utter lies. "  Proverbs 14 : 5
Here we see a outcome of displaying the fruit of faithfulness. Not only will he not lie, but one who is not of God, tells lies ( plural ). This talking not just about an instant or some times, but at all times and in all situations. The fact that none of us are perfect only shows that we are not yet like Jesus and have a lot of work for the Holy Spirit to do in us..... but only to the degree that we surrender to Him and turn our life over to Jesus !

" A talebearer reveals secrets, but he who is of a faithful spirit conceals a matter. "  Proverbs 11 : 13
This verse shows that some gifts from the Spirit are not to be shared with the world !  The only way we can know when to talk and when not to talk is to listen to the Spirit within us. A talebearer that is talked about here, is known as a liar to us. So, the best thing that we can do is to not share secrets and to speak and share only gifts given to us to share (see verse above ).

" Likewise, their wives must be reverent, not slanderers, temperate, faithful in all things.     1 Timothy 3 : 11.
In this verse Paul is giving the  rules and guidelines for Timothy to follow when selecting leaders in the church. When it comes to the wives they also had to meet standards. Notice that Paul says she must be faithful in ALL things ! WOW     that's a very tall order. If we are not yet as Jesus and not yet fully sanctified , how can anyone be faithful in all things ???   Remember he is talking about the church, so what Paul is saying is that when it comes to their service in and for the church, they must be honest and trustworthy in all aspects of their lives and ministries. Still, a very tall order !!!

Next week we will continue and conclude our discussion of faithfulness. Please join us and till next week.... be blessed !

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